Thursday, May 1, 2008

Beltane baking

Happy Beltane to everybody!


The above picture shows a "Hefezopf", which is something like plaited milk bread, according to my dictionary. I was inspired to bake something for this year's Beltane by a recent post on Owl's Court.
Hefezopf is a family recipe - I learned it from my mother, who learned it from her mother. I never bothered to find out whether it goes back longer than that, but I like it. In its standard version, there are raisins included. A more fancy version would have a nut filling instead.


A. Hiscock said...

I'm glad to have provided the inspiration! I wish I could see the picture it's not showing up for me, alas, but your description sounds delicious. Thanks for participating!

Nice to 'meet' you! How did you find me? (I'm just curious; I like to know how people stumble across me! The Beltane Bakefest was cross-posted all over the place so it could have been anywhere.)

Windsong said...

The picture is not showing up for me either. I'll try and fight google later on to get it up.

Nice to meet you, too. I found you two years ago when I read your book "Solitary Wicca for Life", and have been reading your blog since then.

Windsong said...

Victory (or so I hope) - the picture should show up by now.